Patreon - In-progress art and music which supports me create more.
Bandcamp - Albums you can buy.
Youtube - Extra music and mixes of micellaneous media.
Soundcloud - I have one, but it is inactive.
Recommended Albums
Click on the title or the image to open a new window with said tracks.
Murder MiseryReleased February 2017
Contains 6 songs A 6-character murder mystery started on Feb 21st when I got a strange little idea. I wanted to see if I could do it quickly, and so it was completed and posted 5 days later. It's vague and conceptual, but the answer to the "mystery" is actually in the album itself! You can listen to it on youtube or buy it on bandcamp. Recommended tracks: I cannot really decided on which tracks to go here as the album is very short! |
TwainTenseReleased October 2016
Contains 12 songs TwainTense goes through the events and characters of a story by the same name. Each song has it's own individual artwork, that you can see fully going through the youtube playlist. This is the album that the minicomic What is Scary? is from. Recommended tracks: bridgeburn, bridgecross, bridgefall |
bravocatReleased October 2012 Contains 9 songs This album revolves around my character bravocat. He is a bit strange but sees wonder in the world. Recommended tracks: bravocat confesses, It was nice to know you even if, 333 |
IN THE KINGDOM WALLSReleased September 2015 Contains 9 songs IN THE KINGDOM WALLS concerns a group of characters who betray each other often. This album sounds a bit darker than most others listed, but I'm very happy with the end result! Recommended tracks: constant drying carry, HUNUDIS DIE WHO KNEW THE SKY, cases were labeled red |
WreCklessReleased July 2013 Contains 12 songs This album contains tracks that will be in my project wreCk. Most of these songs are loops for areas or events within the game. Recommended tracks: petplay, mentality, CCC showdown |
Face the FactsReleased 25 April 2014 Contains 9 songs Face the Facts follows the creation and end of a king. Overall the album is melodic but does have chaotic and strange songs as well. Recommended tracks: Petali Petalu 331 332, silver thread, rusted needle , dearestknight |
Recommended Youtube Tracks
Missed the ScalpelTechnically my first album. Relies heavily on samples. Lots of experimenting. Name relates to something from an old story that is no longer online.
Recommended tracks: friendsorship, MEANWHILE ELSEWHERE, Bon Bedauern This album is included in the free album MIX UP MESS UP |
MixesSongs made using sounds from a variety of different media. A download link is usually included in the description of each song if I still have the original file. Every so often I update one to include a download link.
Recommended tracks: BRAVOCLAP, Misaligned Judgement, Dream Traveler Tune |
Puppet Cowboy was posted at the very end of 2016. It's a song that goes from forlorn to hopeful and energetic, and paints the story of two lion toys from a jungle toy-set who want to become cowboys instead.
Anadiplosis Trim was made in 2017. It's a very gentle and whimsical track with bittersweet lyrics.
W. Sondelonnel was posted in 2017, and is an energetic sample-heavy musical doodle.